We can almost always offer same day or next day appointments for all urgent retinal conditions such as retinal detachment, retinal tears, new flashes and floaters, vitreous haemorrhage, new or acutely symptomatic wet macular degeneration, macular holes and others.
For emergencies such as retinal detachment, simply call or text Dr Donaldson on his mobile number and we will take care of everything so you can continue your busy clinic.
Office phone: 07 3831 0101
Office fax: 07 3831 3203
Office email: admin@terraceeyecentre.com.au
Personal email: markjdonaldson@terraceretina.com
Dr Donaldson also consults at
Bundaberg Eye Specialists - Bundaberg
Cairns Eye Surgery - Cairns
Eyes Wide Bay - Hervey Bay
Queensland Eye Specialists - Bundaberg
Please feel free to email questions or interesting OCT's or retinal images.
For emergencies such as retinal detachment, simply call or text Dr Donaldson on his mobile number and we will take care of everything so you can continue your busy clinic.
Office phone: 07 3831 0101
Office fax: 07 3831 3203
Office email: admin@terraceeyecentre.com.au
Personal email: markjdonaldson@terraceretina.com
Dr Donaldson also consults at
Bundaberg Eye Specialists - Bundaberg
Cairns Eye Surgery - Cairns
Eyes Wide Bay - Hervey Bay
Queensland Eye Specialists - Bundaberg
Please feel free to email questions or interesting OCT's or retinal images.